The Big River Riverland Showcase

Tue, 22nd April – Loxton Golf Club
Wed, 23rd April – Barmera Golf Club
Thu, 24th April – Berri Golf Club

The Berri, Barmera and Loxton golf clubs, in conjuction with the Berri Hotel, are proud to announce the playing of the 3rd annual Riverland Golf Showcase event, from Tuesday, 22nd April to Thursday, 24th April.

3 Days of Amazing Golf, played on 3 of South Australia’s best country golf courses.

$100 per player

The Big River Riverland Showcase includes:


Loxton Golf Club

Tuesday, 22nd April

18 hole Stableford
(men’s & women’s events)

18 hole 4BBB event
(partner can be man or woman)

NTP from 100m on 18th hole
(men’s & women’s event)

1st 18 holes of 54 hole Teams Event


Barmera Golf Club

Wednesday, 23rd April

18 hole Stableford
(men’s & women’s events)

18 hole 4BBB event
(partner can be man or woman)

Straightest & longest drives
(men’s & women’s event)

2nd 18 holes of 54 hole Teams Event


Berri Golf Club

Thursday, 24th April

18 hole Stableford
(men’s & women’s events)

Ultimate 18 holes
(aggregate scores from 6 mystery holes on each course will form each person’s score in this 18 hole event)

Longest putt on the 18th hole
(men’s & women’s event)

3rd 18 holes of 54 hole Teams Event

One $500 HOLE-IN-ONE prize on a designated hole on each course.

(only the first hole-in-one for the week receives the prize)

Accommodation Packages

Special golf event accommodation packages available only at The Berri Hotel and The Big River Golf & Country Club.

Call them to book in:

The Berri Hotel – (08) 8582 1411

The Big River Golf & Country Club – (08) 8582 2688

Event Conditions

  1. Maximum field size will be 128 players (men & women).
  2. Players entering for the 3 days with a payment of $100 per person, will have priority over any single day entries.
  3. Single day entry fees are Tuesday $35; Wednesday $35; Thursday $50 (includes the Presentation Afternoon Tea in the Tavern).
  4. All entries are to be made via the interactive Event Entry Form and emailed to – [email protected]
  5. Each player must be entered separately on an individual form.
  6. A player’s entry is not confirmed until payment is received into the RGA bank account via direct deposit.
  7. Each player’s starting GA handicap for the event will remain that player’s GA handicap for the duration of the event, irrespective of their performance over the 3 days. Players need to be aware that using the same GA Handicap for each day may still result in different daily handicaps at the respective courses due to differences in course ratings.
  8. The Team’s Event (1C, 2C, 3C) will involve the same 4 players in a team for the entire event. The winning team will be the team with the highest aggregate score over the competition days, using the best 3 team member scores for each day. In the case of a tie, the team with the best day 3 aggregate score will win the event.
  9. Nominated 4 Ball Better Ball partners will play together on both Tuesday & Wednesday. 4BBB partners may be the same for each day but can change. Men and women may be partnered together.
  10. Each Day’s Competition will commence with a shotgun start. Tuesday & Wednesday 11.30am tee off. Thursday 10am tee off.
  11. Players using carts will be allocated starting holes farthest from the clubhouse while those walking will have priority for starting holes nearest the clubhouse.
  12. Booking golf carts is the responsibility of the player, with all bookings to be made directly with the respective golf clubs.
  13. The event organising committee reserves the right to vary the conditions of play should the need arise.
  14. Entries Close Monday, 14th April 2025
  15. Draw conducted Tuesday, 15th April and emailed to participants by Friday, 18th April.
  16. While the organizing committee will make every endeavour to accommodate special requests, it should be noted that not all of these will be possible.
  17. In the unlikely event that weather conditions prevent the planned 3 days of golf to be played, compensation to participants will be provided.
  18. All event prizes will be in the form of Golf Vouchers

Online Entry Form

All entries are to be completed using this online form.

Upon clicking the “Enter Online” button below, your entry will be submitted via email to Terry Sawade (Event Coordinator). Please direct any enquiries to Terry – 0427 643 557

Entries will not be confirmed until payment has been received.


Acc Name – Riverland Golf Association
BSB – 105-059
Acc No – 245256340
Reference – Name + Showcase

Entry Fee: $100/player and includes all events listed below, plus presentation afternoon tea.
Tuesday, 22nd April @ Loxton GC
1. 18 hole Stableford
1A. 18 hole 4BBB
1B. NTP from 100m on 18th hole
1C. 1st 18 holes of 54 hole teams event
Wednesday, 23rd April @ Barmera GC
2. 18 hole Stableford
2A. 18 hole 4BBB
2B. Straightest & longest drives
2C. 2nd 18 holes of 54 hole teams event
Thursday, 24th April @ Berri GC
3. 18 hole Stableford
3A. Ultimate 18 holes
3B. Longest putt on 18th green
3C. 3rd 18 holes of 54 hole teams event
One $500 HOLE-IN-ONE PRIZE on a designated hole on each course. Only 1st hole-in-one receives the prize.
4BBB Partners:
54 hole teams event:

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